Humble,Tx 2-8-25 | HUMBLE, TEXAS FEBRUARY (6) 7 & 8, 2025 Added Money: $30,000.00 Humble Rodeo & BBQ Cook Off Humble Civic Center 8233 Will Clayton, Humble, Tx Performances: 7:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronnc, Bulls @ $105 / Tie Down, Steer Wrestling @ $155 / Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrels @ $125 / Team Roping $360 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $4,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $3,000 / Team Roping $6,000 Slack: Thursday, February 6 @ 7pm Slack Order: RS (if needed), SW,TR,GB,TD,BA Steer Wrestling in slack on Thursday & Saturday Perf No Steer Wrestling in Friday performance Performances must filll before slack will be taken Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA 2025 membership Sanctioned: UPRA / LRCA Producer: Diamond D Productions Ground Rules Jerk Down Rule in Tie Down will be in effect Barrels: Drag on 5 actual runners (not names) 45 Sec Rule in all Timed Events 30 Sec on the clock in Rough Stock No Back to Back runs on hazing horses in the Steer Wrestlling If needed extra cattle will be drawn and ran if needed for any reason Timed Event Contestants must be in alley to go down when posted in Secretary office / no one goes down except during that time in performances/ out of luck, no time, no entry fees returned Ropers leave arena after competing No Riding in Arena before slack and performances Warm up Pen will be available (covered) ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, January 29 @ 9am and close Sunday, February 2 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, January 29 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, January 30 from 9am to 4pm Friday, January 31 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 Trades: Available, Nextgen App, Monday, February 2 till 12noon, Tuesday, February 4 JUDGING CLINIC Saturday morning @ 10am at arena in secretary office for info: Rusty Hummell - 713-569-4708 |
Katy,Tx 2-15-25 | KATY, TEXAS FEBRUARY (12) 13,14,15, 2025 Added Money: $18,000.00 82nd Katy ISD FFA Livestock Show & Rodeo Day Money Offered see home pg for details Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA (BA WPRA approved) (Must be a WPRA member by 5pm MST, Feb 11 for money won to count towards WPRA Performances: 7:00pm Performances must fill before slack will be offered Perfs Max 8 / 10 in Barrels (drag after 5) Slack: Wednesday, February 12 @ 7pm No Slack in any event with less thant 8 in the perf each night Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membeship Thursday-Military/First Responder appreciation night Friday - PINK night Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB $85 / BR $85 plus $40 day money / GB $105 / TD,SW,BA @ $125 / TR $310 team Added Money: BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $2,000/ TR $4,000 S/C: IROC Rodeo Co Entries (Perfs Only): Monday, February 10-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, February 11 - 9am to 4pm Late entries(as Needed): Wednesday, February 12-9am to 2pm Enter @ 1-337-427-6336 Online Entries: Ground Rules: Coggins papers will be checked before entering grounds every night. NO EXCEPTIONS, 60 sec time limit for every event (contestant only). No horses are allowed tied in the arena during slack or rodeo. Nocontestants standing in arena before or after competing. Arena open for warm up from 5:30 to 6:45pm. No warming up in the arena during the rodeo. No overnight plugs available Committee will set neck ropes. Arena is big enough to accommodate steers or heifers - 16' box 16' score. Team Roping 14' neck rope 16' score. Steer Wrestling 9' neck rope 11' score. Tie Down & Breakaway 10'6" neck rope 13' score. No reruns given if the pusher pushes the callf or steer into head gate causing it not to open All slack will be held Wed, Feb 12 beginning @ 7pm Sllack order will be GB,SW,TD,BA,TR. Slack will start with Barrels @ 7pm. Steer Wrestlling slack will begin after arena drag at the conclusion of barrels. All other events will begin immediately after the previous event concludes. One companion pass per contestant given BB & SB may be combined. All BR contestants will required to pay day money entry fee if they enter the Bull Riding @ the Katy rodeo. No money is taken out of day money entry fees. If no qualified rides occur in a performance, all day moeny from that perf will be added to the BR added money. BR may have 2 sections. No BACK TO BACK runs inclluding hazers. A 60 sec time limit will be strictly enforced in all events Timed event contestants-only the competing contestant are alowed in the arena, inclluding during slack. Absolutely no one standing or sitting in the arena before or after competing in an event is allowed. Once a contestant has competed he/she willl be required to exit arena. Address: Katy ISD's W.E. Billy Morgan Arena @ the Gerald D Young Agricultural Seciences Center, 5825 Katy Hocklley Cutoff Rd, Katy,Tx 77493. Please check out Katy Rodeo website ( for directions to the facility. Contestant's gate is on the North side of the facility off Beckendorff Rd |
George West,Tx 3-1 | GEORGE WEST, TEXAS FEBRUARY (27) 28 & MARCH 1, 2025 Added Money: $3,750 Live Oak County Fair & Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA No Steer Wrestling Performances: 7:30pm Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Thursday, February 27 @ 7:30pm Slack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA $500 Bonus each night for High Score in Bareback Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,$70 / SB,BR @ $85 / RB $65/ TD,BA,GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BB $250 / SB,RB @ $375 / BR $1,000/ TD,BA,GB @ $350 / TR $700 S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co Entries perfs only: Monday, February 24 -10am to 5pm Perfs & Sack: Thursday, February 25-9am to 4pm Late Entries as needed: Wednesday, February 26 9am to 4pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Sallado,Tx 3-8-25 | SALLADO, TEXAS MARCH 7 & 8, 2025 Added Money: $8,150.00 Heritage Country Cowboy Churchd Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Perfs Max 8 / 10 in GB Performances must filll before slack offered Slack: Saturday, March 8 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members wellcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,BR @ $70 / SB,RB @ $85 TD,BA @ $125 / SW,GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $500 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW, GB @ $850 / TR $1,700 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries (Perfs only): Monday, March 3 - 10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, March 4 - 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesday, March 5 -9am to 2pm Entry #: 1-337-427-6336 Online entries: Address: 9677 Lark Trail, Salado, Tx Info: Mutton Bustin each night, enter onsite |
Buna,Tx 3-8-25 | BUNA, TEXAS MARCH 7 & 8, 2025 Added Money: $5,000.00 Buna Redbud Pro Rodeo Buna Bridle Club Arena Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulllls, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $650 / Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Breakaway @ $500 / Barrells $550 / Team Roping $1,000 Slack: Friday, March 7 after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered If animall escapes, extra will be used Walk UP Rule in effect (see web page for info) Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / LRCA S/C: SYJ Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextge Rodeo App Wednesday, February 26 @ 9am and close Sunday, March 2 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, February 26 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, February 27 from 9am to 4pm Friday, February 28 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, March 3 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, March 4 |
Crane,Tx 3-22-25 | CRANE, TEXAS MARCH 21 & 22, 2025 Added Money: $7,500.00 West Texas March Madness Bonus Money Weedend Bonus money $3,000 1. Contestants must enter at least 1 event in both 2. Points will be awarded as follows a. 10 points for 1st place in the event dwon to 1 point for 10th place. No points will be awarded for No Times or No Scores. b. Points will be adjusted to entries, ie.if there are only 7 entries 1st place will receive 7 points and so on. 3. In the Event of a Tie, the contestant with the Highest Point Award at a single rodeo willl win the tie. Second Tiebreaker will go to money won from the two rodeos 4. If the contestant enters mulltiple events, all points earned will count together. Performance: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $100 / Ladies Barrels $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback $500 / Saddle Bronc $800 / Ranch Bronc $800 / Bulls $1,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels @ $800 / Steer Wrestling $500 / Team Roping $1,500 Sllack Saturday, March 22 @ 8am Slack Order: TR,GB,SW,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack taken Non-members wellcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Santion: UPRA / CPRA / NMRA S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen rodeo app Wednesday, March 12 @ 9am and close Sunday, March 16 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, March 12 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, March 13 from 9am to 4pm Friday, March 14 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available, Monday, March 17 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, March 18 Ground Rule: Fees in Barrels will be $85 |
Ft Stockton,Tx 3-22- | FT STOCKTON, TEXAS MARCH (20) 21 & 22, 2025 Added Money: $33,000.00 West Texas March Madness Bonus Money Weekend Bonus Money $3,000 1. Contestants must enter at east 1 event in both the Ft Stockton & Crane rodeos 2. Points will be awarded as follows a. 10 points for 1st place in the event down to 1 point for the 10th place. No points will be awarded for No Times or No Scores. b. Points willl be adjusted to entries, ie. if there are ony 7 entries 1st place will receive 7 points and so on 3. In the Event of a Tie, the contestant with the Highest Point Award at a single rodeo willl win the tie. Second Tie breaker wi go to money won from the two rodeos 4. If the contestant enters mutipe events, all points wi count together. Comanche Springs Pro Rodeo Pecos County Coliseum Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bullls @ $85 / Ladies Barrels, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $3,300 / Team Roping $6,600 Slack: Thursday, March 20 @ 6:30pm Slack Order: TR,GB,SW,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack taken Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / NMRA S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Next Gen rodeo App Wednesday, March 12 @ 9am and close, Sunday, March 16 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, March 12 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, March 13 from 9am to 4pm Friday, March 14 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available, Monday, March 17 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, March 18 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
Graham,Tx 3-22-25 | GRAHAM, TEXAS MARCH 20,21,22, 2025 Added Money: $12,500.00 UPRA 2025 MEMBERSHIP RODEO (Must have or purchase a 2025 UPRA Membership in order to compete at this rodeo> Young County Pro Rodeo 120 Barclay Rd Memberships to UPRA or $200.00 Performances: 7:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls,Tie Down,Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $1,300 / Ranch Bronc $800 / Team Roping $2,600 Performanes: Min 6 / Max 8 / GB 10 Slack: Thursday & Friday After performance Slack: Saturday, @ 9am Sack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Barrels drag on 5 Extra anima will be used if needed for any reason Ony 1 companion pass per contestant Sanction: UPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, March 12 @ 9am and close Sunday, March 16 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, March 12 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, March 13 from 9am to 4pm Friday, March 14 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Avaiabe, Monday, March 17, 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, March 18 |
Beaumont,Tx 3-30-25 | BEAUMONT, TEXAS MARCH (26) 28,29,30, 2025 Added Money: $9,000.00 YMBLL South Texas State Fair & Pro Rodeo Ford Park Arena Performances: Friday, March 28 @ 7:00pm Saturday, March 29 @ 5:00pm Sunday, March 30 @ 5:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestlling, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Wednesday, March 26 @ 10am Performances must fill before slack will be offered If Animall escapes, extra will be used Walk UP Rule in effect (see web page for info) Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction UPRA / LRCA S/C: SYJ Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, March 19 @ 9am and close Sunday, March 23 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, March 19 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, March 20 from 9am to 4pm Friday, March 21 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, March 24 from 9am to 4pm |
Beaumont,Tx BR 4-5 | BEAUMONT, TEXAS APRIL 4 & 5, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 YMBL South Texas State Farm Pro Bullriding Ford Park Arena Performances: Friday, April 4 @ 7:00pm Saturday, April 5 @ 5:00pm Fees $100 (entry will be paid by Paypal: or Venmo: @JaycieYoung2 / Must be paid by March 24 Added Money: $5,000 each night Payoff each night Sanction: UBR / UPRA / LRCA S/C: SYJ Rodeo Co |
Conroe,Tx 4-5-25 | CONROE, TEXAS APRIL (3) 4 & 5, 2025 Added Money: $8,000.00 Montgomery Co. Fair & Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:15pm Perfs Max - TE 6 / GB 10 Performances must fill before slack willl be offered Slack: Thursday, Aprill 3 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purcahse a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,GB,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $1,000 TR $1,000 S/C: Rocking Bar M / Hat Brand Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, March 31 - 10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack; Aprill 1 - 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, April 2 - 9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entreis: Info: 2 Sections of Bull Riding if needed. Committee will have hospitallity tent for all contestants |
Madii,Ok 4-12-25 | MADILL, OKLAHOMA APRIL 11 & 12, 2025 Added Money: $4,250.00 Madil FFA Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Onlly): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barres @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team Added Money: Bareback, Sadde Bronc, Bulls, Barrells, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping @ $500 / Ranch Bronc $250 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must filll before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday April 2 @ 9am and close Sunday, April 6 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 2 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 3 from 9am to 4pm Friday, Aprill 4 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES: Available on Nextgen App, Monday, April 7 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, April 8 Ground Rule: Rees in the Rough Stock are $85 |
Rockdale,Tx 4-12-25 | ROCKDALE, TEXAS APRIL 11 & 12, 2025 Added Money: $3,500.00 Rockdale Julabee Days Pro Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Ladies Barrels, Ladies Breakaway, Tie Down @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team No Steer Wrestling Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronnc Tie Down, Breakaway @ $300 / Bulls $1,000 / Barrels $500 / Ranch Bronc $400 / Team Roping $600 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 2 @ 9am and close Sunday, April 6 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 2 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 3 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 4 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen APP, Monday, April 7 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, April 8 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
Orange,Tx 4-12-25 | ORANGE, TEXAS APRIL 11 & 12, 2025 Added Money: $8,500.00 Orange County Cowboy Church Pro Rodeo Orange County Cowboy Church Arena (newly covered) Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $1,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $900 / Barrells $1,000 / Team Roping $1,800 Slack: Saturday, April 12 @ 10am Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / LRCA S/C: SYJ Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 2 @ 9am and close Sunday, April 6 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 2 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 3 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 4 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available, Monday, April 7 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, April 8 |
Hitchcock,Tx 4-12-25 | HITCHCOCK, TEXAS APRIL 10,11,12, 2025 Added Money: $20,000.00 GAlveston County Fair & Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Perfs Max - TE 8 / GB 10 / RS unlimited Performances must fill befoe slack will be offered Slack: Thursday, April 10 & Friday, April 11 after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BB,SB,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $2,200 / Bulls $2,400 / TR $4,400 S/C: Rocking Bar M / Hat Brand Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, April 7 - 10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tues, April 8 - 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, April 9-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Paducah,Tx 4-19-25 | PADUCAH, TEXAS APRIL 18 & 19, 2025 Added Money; $10,000.00 Paducah Annua Pro Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Sadde Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bus, Tie Down, Lades Barres, Ladies Breakway, Steer Wresting @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Perfs: min 7 / max 10 Added Money: Bareback, Sadde Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bus, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wresting, Barres @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack willl be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / NMRA / KPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, Aprill 9 @ 9am and close Sunday, April 13 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesdy, April 9 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 10 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 11 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availabe Nextgen App, Monday, April 14 till 12noon, Tuesday, April 15 |
Jewett,Tx 4-26-25 | JEWETT, TEXAS APRIL 25 & 26, 2025 Added Money: $12,500.00 Jewett Rodeo Association Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Baeback, Sadde Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $105/ Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $155 / Team Roping $310 team Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Barrels, Breakaway @ $1,250 / Team Roping $2,500 Slack: Saturday, April 26 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wellcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more willl be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, Apri 16 @ 9am and close Sunday, April 20 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 16 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 17 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 18 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, April 21 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, April 22 |
Lampasas,Tx 4-26-25 | LAMPASAS, TEXAS APRIL 25 & 26, 2025 Added Money: $15,000.00 Riata Round Up Rodeo & BBQ Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7;30pm Perfs: Max 8 / 10 Barrels Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Saturday, April 26 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR,RB @ $85 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $825 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW, GB @ $1,575 / TR $3,150 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs ony: Monday, April 21-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, April 22-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesday, Apri 23- 9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Groesbeck,Tx 4-27-25 | GROESBECK, TEXAS APRIL (25) 26 & 27, 2025 Saturday & Sunday Rodeo Added Money: $3,000.00 Groesbeck Pro Rodeo Performances: Saturday, April 26 @ 7:30pm Sunday, April 27 @ 3:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrells @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team No Steer Wrestling Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels @ $300 / Bulls $700 / Team Roping $500 Slack: Friday, April 25 @ 7:30pm Slack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 16 @ 9am and close Sunday, ' April 20 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 16 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 17 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 18 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App Monday, April 21 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, April 22 Ground Rule: Fees in the Rough Stock willl be $85 |
Lexington,Tx 5-3-25 | LEXINGTON, TEXAS MAY (1) 2 & 3, 2025 Added Money: $5,000.00 Lexington Homecoming Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Performances must filll before slack will be offered Slack Thursday, May 1 @ 7:30pm Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$ permit Non-members that win $ or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,BR @ $70 / SB $85 / RB $80 / TD,BA @ $125 / SW,GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB,BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $500 / TR $1,000 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries (perfs only): Monday, April 28-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, April 29-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesday, April 30-9am to 2pm Enter @ 1-337-427-6336 Online entries @ |
Whitney,TX 5-4-25 | WHITNEY, TEXAS MAY 3 & 4, 2025 Saturday & Sunday Rodeo Added Money: $7,500.00 Open Range Cowboy Church Pro Rodeo Performances: Saturday @ $7:30pm Performances: Sunday @ 2:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $75 / Ladies Barrels $85 / Ladies Breakaway, Tie Down @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Steer Wrestling Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, @ $750 / Bulls $1,500 / Team Roping $1,500 Slack: Saturday, May 3 @ 8am Sack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack willl be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 23 @ 9am and close Sunday, Aprill 27 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 23 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, April 24 from 9am to 4pm Friday, April 25 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, April 28 till 12noon, Tuesday, April 29 Ground Rue: Fees in Rough Stock will be $75 and Barrels $85 |
Jasper,Tx 5-10-25 | JASPER, TEXAS MAY 9 & 10, 2025 Added Money: $15,000.00 Jasper Pro Rodeo Jasper Cowboy Church Arena Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $2,000 / Tie Down, Steer Wrestlling, Barrels, Breakaway @ $1,500 / Team Roping $3,000 Slack: Saturday, May 10 @ 10am Performances must fill before slack will be offered If animall escapes, extra will be used Walk UP Rule in effect (check web page for info) Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / LRCA S/C: SYJ Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 30 @ 9am and close Sunday, May 4 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 30 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, May 1 from 9am to 4pm Friday, May 2 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADED Available Nextgen App, Monday, May 5 @ 9am tilll 12noon, Tuesday, May 6 |
Nocona,Tx 5-10-25 | NOCONA, TEXAS MAY (8) 9 & 10, 2025 Added Money: $17,500.00 Nocona Annual Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $155 / Team Roping $310 team Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc,Ranch Bronc @ $1,500 / Tie Down, Barrels, Steer Wresting, Breakaway @ $2,000 / Bulls $2,000 / Team Roping $3,000 Slack: Thursday, May 8 @ 7pm Slack Saturday, May 10 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / CRRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, April 30 @ 9am and close Sunday, May 4 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, April 30 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, May 1 from 9am to 4pm Friday, May 2 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen APP, Monday, May 5 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, May 6 |
Burnet,Tx 5-10-25 | BURNET, TEXAS MAY (8) 9 & 10, 2025 Added Money: $11,500.00 Burnet Pro Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 8:00pmbr> Perfs Max 10 Performance must fill before slack willl be offered Slack: Thursday, May 8 @ 8pm Slack Order: TR,GB,SW,TD,BA Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be requied to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / RB $65 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: R,BB,SB,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $1,000/ BR,TR @ $2,250 S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co Entries perfs only: Monday, May 5-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, May 6-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesday, May 7-9am to2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: Info: Buckle for Champion in Ranch Bronc |
Greenwood,La 5-17-25 | GREENWOOD, LOUSIANA MAY 16 & 17, 2025 Added Money: $13,500.00 Open Range Cowboy Church Performances: 7:00pm Perf Order: BB,SW,BA,SB,TD,TR,GB,BR Drag on 5 in Barrells Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Added Money: $1,500 per event/end in TR Online entries for Slack & Rough Stock: - Open Friday, May 9th - Sunday, May 11 @ 12noon Entries: Sunday, May 11 - 1pm to 5pm Entry #: 1-800-746-6615 Fees Cash Onlly: $100 BB,SB,BR / $110 SW, BA,TD / $125 GB / $310 TR team Sanction: LRCA / UPRA / ARA Non-members welcome w/$10 permit S/C: Bergeron Rodeo Co / CG Bucking Bulls |
Malakoff,Tx 5-17-25 | MALAKOFF, TEXAS MAY 16 & 17, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Malakoff FFA Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $100 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Team Roping $360 team / Steer Roping 2 for $300 No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Sadde Bronc, Bulls Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels Steer Roping @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Perfs: Min 6 / Max 8 Slack: Friday, May 16 @ 8am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR,SR Performances must fil before slack will be offered Drag on 5 actual runs in Barrels (condensed) Extra wil be drawn & used if needed No Stock Charge in the Rough Stock events Walk Up Rule in effect (see web for info): Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Mesquite Championship Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, May 7 @ 9am and close Sunday, May 11 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, May 7 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, May 8 from 9am to 4pm Friday, May 9 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, May 12 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, May 13 |
Hubbard,Tx 5-25-25 | HUBBARD, TEXAS MAY 24 & 25, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Saturday & Sunday Rodeo Chisholm Trail Lonestar Pro Roder Performances: Saturday, May 24 @ 8:00pm Performance: Sunday, May 25 @ 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $75 / Ladies Barrels $85 / Ladies Breakaway, Tie Down @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team NO Steer Wrestling Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels @ $1,000 / Bulls $2,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack; Saturday, May 24 @ 9am Slack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wellcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Cadillllac Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, May 14 @ 9am and close Sunday, May 18 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, May 14 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, May 15 from 9amm to 4pm Friday, May 16 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App Monday, May 19 @ 9am tilll 12noon Tuesday, May 20 Ground Rule: Rough Stock fees will be $75 / Barrel fees $85 |
Dripping Sgs, 5-25-2 | DRIPPING SPRINGS, TEXAS MAY 24 & 25, 2025 Saturday & Sunday Rodeo Added Money: $7,500.00 Dripping Springs AG Boosters Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 8:00pm Perfs Max: 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Saturday, May 24 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB $70 / SB,BR,RB @ $85 / TD,BA @ $125 / SW, GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $500 / BR $1,000 / BB,SB, TD,BA,SW,GB @ $750 / TR $1,500 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, May 19-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, May 20-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, May 21-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Wichita Falls,Tx 6-7 | WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS JUNE (5) 6 & 7, 2025 Added Money: $20,000.00 Wichita County Mounted Patrol Championship Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Ony): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $105 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $165 / Ladies Barrels @ $125 / Team Roping $330 team Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Barrels, Breakaway @ $2,000 / Team Roping $4,000 Slack: Thursday, June 5 @ 6pm Slack: Saturday, June 7 @ 10am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR **Rough Stock: 10 in performance all other will compete Thursday @ 6pm in the slack** If anima escapes or can not be competed on for any reason the extra anima drawn will be used Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, May 28 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 1 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, May 28 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, May 29 from 9am to 4pm Friday, May 30 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, June 2 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, June 3 |
Crosby,Tx 6-7-25 | CROSBY, TEXAS JUNE 6 & 7, 2025 Added Money: $12,500.00 Crosby Fair & Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Perfs Max: 8 / 10 GB, BR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Saturday, June 7 @ 7am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BR $3,000 / BB,SB @ $1,750 / TD,BA,SW,GB @ $1,000 / TR $2,000 S/C: Saguaro Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, June 2 - 10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, June 3 - 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, June 4 - 9am to 2pm Entry #: 337427-6336 Online entries: Info: Covered Arena, Hospitality & Concers nightly |
Thornton,Tx 6-14-25 | THORNTON, TEXAS JUNE 13 & 14, 2025 Added Money: $4,500.00 Thornton Homecoming Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA NO Steer Wrestling Performances: 8:00pm Perfs MaX: 8 / 10 GB Performances must filll before slack will be offered Slack: Friay, June 13 -after performance Slack Order: GB,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB $70 / SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BR $1,000 / BB,SB @ $750 / TD,BA,GB @ $400 / TR $800 S/C: Saguaro Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, June 9-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, June 10-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, June11-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Lockhart,Tx 6-14-25 | LOCKHART, TEXAS JUNE 13 & 14, 2025 Added Money: $13,100.00 Chisholm Trail Round UP Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 8:00pm Perfs Max - 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Saturday, June 14 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): RB $80 / BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $500 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW, GB @ $1,400 / TR $2,800 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday June 9-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, June10-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, June 11-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Fairfied,Tx 6-21-25 | FAIRFIELD, TEXAS JUNE 20 & 21, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Freestone County Fair & Rodeo W.. Moody Fairgrounds Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Buls @ $100 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $160 / Steer Wrestling $150 / Ladies Barres $130 / Team Roping $360 team / Steer Roping 2 for $300 No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels, Steer Roping @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Sack: Saturday, June 21 @ 8am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR,SR Perfs: Min 6 / Max 8 Drag on 5 actua runs in barres (condensed) Walk UP Rule in effect (see web page for info) No Stock Charge in the Rough Stock events only Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Mesquite Championship Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 11 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 15 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 11 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 12 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 13 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App Monday, June 16 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, June 17 |
Archer City,Tx 6-21- | ARCHER CITY, TEXAS JUNE 20 & 21, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Archer City Pro Rodeo Performances; 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc RAnch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team No Steer Wrestling Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Friday morning June 20 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Jr Barrels enter @ arena @ 6pm Double Muggin enter @ arena @ 6pm Sanction: UPRA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 11 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 15 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 11 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 12 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 13 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, June 16 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, June 17 Ground Rule: Fees in the Rough Stock will be $85 |
Stonewall,Tx 6-21-25 | STONEWALL, TEXAS JUNE (19) 20 & 21, 2025 Added Money: $15,000.00 Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA NO Steer Wrestling Performances: 8:00pm Perfs Max: TD,BA 8 / GB,TR 10 Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Thursday, June 19 @ 8pm Slack Order: TR,GB,TD,BA Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA @ $125 / GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: BR $2,500 / BB,SB @ $1,800 / TD,BA,GB @ $1,750 / TR $3,650 S/C: Cadilllac Rodeo Co Entries perfs only: Monday June16-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, June 17-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesdatm June 18- 9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Onlline entries: |
Boswell,Ok 6-28-25 | BOSWELL, OKLAHOMA JUNE (26) 27 & 28, 2025 Added Money: $17,500.00 89th Boswell Annual Homecoming Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels, Steer Wresting, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $2,500 / Ranch Bronc $1,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $1,500 / Team Roping $3,000 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday, June 26 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 18 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 22 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 18 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 19 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 20 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, June 23 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, June 24 |
Mabank,Tx 6-28-25 | MABANK, TEXAS JUNE 27 & 28, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 70th Annua Mabank Rodeo Celebration Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $100 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $160 / Steer Wresting $150 / Ladies Barrels $130 / Team Roping $360 team / Steer Roping 2 for $300 No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Roping, Barrells @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Friday, June 27 @ 8am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR,SR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Drag 5 actual runs in Barrells (condensed) Walk Up Rulle in effect (see web page for info) Perfs: Min 6 / Max 8 Extra wi be drawn and used if needed No Stock Charge in the Rough Stock events only Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Mesquite Championship Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 18 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 22 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 18 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 19 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 20 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availablle Nextgen App, Monday, June 23 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, June 24 |
Jarrell, Tx 6-28-25 | JARRELL, TEXAS JUNE (26) 27 & 28, 2025 Added Money: 7,500.00 Williamson Co Sheriffs Posse Pro Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 8:00pm Perfs Max 10 Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Thursday, June 26 @ 8pm Slack Order: TR,GB,SW,TD,BA Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB $70 / RB $65 / SB,BR @ $85/ TD, BA @ $125 / SW,GB @ $105 / TR $310 team Added Money; BR $1,650 / BB,SB,RB @ $700 / TD,BA,SW,GB @ $625 / TR $1,250 S/C: Cadillac Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, June 23-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, June 24-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, June 25-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Teague,Tx 7-5-25 | TEAGUE, TEXAS JULY 3,4,5, 2025 Added Money: $9,000.00 Teague 4th July Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Onlly): Bareback, Saddle Bronc Bulls @ $100 / Tie Downn, Ladies Breakaway @ $160 / Ladies Barrels $130 / Team Roping $360 team / Steer Roping 2 for $300 No Steer Wrestling & No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Roping @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Thursday & Friday after performance Slack Order Thursday: GB,BA,TD,TR,SR Slack Order Friday: GB,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Perfs: Min 6 / Max 8 Drag on 5 actual runs in Barrels (condensed) Extra will be drawn & used if needed Walk UP Rule in effect (see web page for info) No Stock Charge in the Rough Stock Events only Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Mesquite Championship Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 18 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 29 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 25 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 26 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 27 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App Monday, June 30 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, June 30 |
Whitesboro,Tx 7-5-25 | WHITESBORO, TEXAS JULY (3) 4 & 5, 2025 Added Money: $12,500.00 Whitesboro Annual July 4 Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Ranch Bronc $85 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $2,000 / Ranch Bronc $500 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday, July 3 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / CPRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, June 18 @ 9am and close Sunday, June 29 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, June 25 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, June 26 from 9am to 4pm Friday, June 27 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen APP, Monday, June 30 @ 9am till 12noon, June 30 Ground Rule: Ranch Bronc fees $85 |
Mineola,Tx 7-12-25 | MINEOLA, TEXAS JULY (10) 11 & 12, 2025 Added Money: $10,500.00 Mineola Fire & Rescue Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Ladies Barrells, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Saddlle Bronc @ $1,500/ Buls $1,800 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wresting @ $1,000 / Team Roping $1,700 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday, July 10 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be requiredd to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Tuesday, July 1 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 6 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 2 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 3 from 9am to 4pm ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availlable Nextgen App, Monday, July 7 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, July 8 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
O'Donnel, Tx 7-12-25 | O'DONNEL, TEXAS JULY 10,11,12, 2025 Added Money: $14,000.00 Biggest Little Rodeo in Texas Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Added Money: Bareback $1,500 / Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $2,000 / Ranch Bronc $1,000 / Barrels, Breakaway @ $1,500 / Tie Down $1,500 / Steer Wrestling $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Thursday and Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wellcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / NMRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 2 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 6 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 2 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 3 from 9am to 4pm ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, July 7 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, July 8 Ground Rules: Fees in Rough Stock wi be $85 |
Merit,Tx 7-19-25 | MERIT, TEXAS JULY 18 & 19, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Higher Traills Cowboy Church Rodeo 5544 FM 903, Celeste, Tx 75423 Performances: 8:00pm Fees: (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Tie Down, Steer Wrestling, Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrells @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback $500 / Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barrels @ $1,000 / Team Roping $2,000 Slack: Saturday, July 19 @ 8am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack taken Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanctioned: UPRA / CRRA / CPRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN NextGen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 9 @ 9am and close, July 12 @ 5pm CALLL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 9 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 10 from 9am to 4pm Friday, Jully 11 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available, Monday, July 14 till 12noon, Tuesday, July 15 |
Gainesville,Tx 7-19- | GAINESVILLE, TEXAS JULY (17) 18 & 19, 2025 Added Money: $6,500.00 Rodeo Gainesville Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $1,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wresting @ $500 / Ranch Bronc $500 / Team Roping $1,000 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday, July 17 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more wil be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / CPRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 9 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 13 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 9 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 10 from 9am to 4pm Friday, July 11 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Avaiabe Nextgen App, Monday, July 14 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, July 15 Ground Rue: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
White Deer,Tx 7-26-2 | WHITE DEER, TEXAS July (24) 25 & 26, 2025 Added Money: $25,000.00 66th Annuall White Deer Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $1,389 / Team Roping $2,777 / Bulls $12,500 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday, Jully 24 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / NMRA / KPRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, Juy 16 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 20 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 16 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 17 from 9am to 4pm Friday, July 18 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, July 21 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, July 22 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
Caddo,Ok 7-26-25 | CADDO, OKLAHOMA JULY 25 & 26, 2025 Added Money: $5,000.00 Caddo Annua Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $85 / Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $500 / Team Roping $1,000 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 16 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 20 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 16 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 17 from 9am to 4pm Friday, July 18 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, July 21 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, July 22 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock & Barrels will be $85 |
Gatesville,Tx 8-2-25 | GATESVILLE, TEXAS JULY 31 & AUGUST 1 & 2, 2025 Added Money: $11,000.00 Gatesville Riding Club Rodeo Performances: 7: 30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Buls @ $100 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $160 / Ladies Barrels $130 / Steer Wrestling $150 / Team Roping $360 team / Steer Roping 2 for $300 NO Ranch Bronc Added Money: Bareback, Sadde Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barres, Steer Roping @ $1,000 / Team Roping $3,000 Perfs: Min 6 / Max 8 Sack: Thursday and Friday after performance Sack: Steer Roping: Friday Morning @ 9am Steer Roping: 2 Rounds Progressive, 10 to the performance Friday and Saturday Drag on 5 runs in barres (condensed) Extra will be drawn and used if needed No Stock Charge in the Rough Stock events Walk UP Rule in effect (see web for detais on rule) Performance must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/ $10 permit Non-members that win $500 will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Mesquite Championship Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 23 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 27 @ 5pm CALLL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 23 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 24 from 9am to 4pm Friday, July 25 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADE: Available Nextgen App, Monday, July 28 @ 9am tilll 12noon, Tuesday, July 29 |
Wolfe City,Tx 8-2-25 | WOLFE CITY, TEXAS AUGUST 1 & 2, 2025 Added Money: $4,000.00 65th Annual Wolfe City Riding Club Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Tie Down, Breakaway @ $400 / Bulls $600/ Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $300 / Team Roping $800 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Friday After performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must filll before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / CPRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 23 @ 9am and close Sunday, July 27 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 23 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 24 from 9am to 4pm Friday, July 25 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, July 28 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, July 29 Ground Rule: Fees in the Rough Stock will be $85 |
Bastrop,Tx 8-2-25 | BASTROP, TEXAS JULY (31), AUGUST 1 & 2, 2025 Added Money: $9,500.00 Bastrop Homecoming Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Perfs max: 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Thursday, July 31 @ 7pm Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): RB $65 / BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,SW @ $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $500 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW, GB @ $1,000 / TR $2,000 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, July 28-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tues, July 29- 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed; Wed, July 30-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Idabel,Ok 8-9-25 | IDABEL, OKLAHOMA AUGUST 7,8,9, 2025 Added Money: $15,000.00 McCurtin County Fair Board Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestlling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling @ $1,500 / Team Roping $3,000 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Thursday and Friay after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack willl be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $ or more willl be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction; UPRA / CRRA / LRCA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 30 @ 9am and close Sunday, August 2 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 30 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 31 from 9am to 4pm Friday, August 1 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADED Available Nextgen App, Monday, August 4 @ 9am tilll 12noon Tuesday, August 5 |
New Boston,Tx 8-9-25 | NEW BOSTON, TEXAS AUGUST 8 & 9, 2025 Added Money: $8,000.00 New Boston Round Up Cub Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Ranch Bronc,Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $85 / Ladies Barrels, Steer Wrestling, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway @ $105 / Team Roping $310 team No Bareback Added Money: Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestlling, Team Roping @ $1,000 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must filll before slack willll be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / ACRA / LRCA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, July 30 @ 9am and close Sunday, August 3 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, July 30 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, July 31 from 9am to 4pm Friday, August 1 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availlable Nextgen App, Monday, August 4 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, August 5 Ground Rule: Fees in Rough Stock will be $85 |
Cedar Park,Tx 8-9-25 | CEDAR PARK, TEXAS AUGUST 8 & 9, 2025 Added Money: $11,550.00 Cedar Park Pro Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 7:30pm Perfs Max: 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Saturday, August 9 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-member welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): RB,BB,SB,BR @ $85 /TD,BA, SW @ $125 / GB,$105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $750 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $1,200 / TR $2,400 S/C: Diamond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, August 4-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tues, August 5-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed; Wed, August 6-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337427-6336 Online entries; |
Ralls, Tx 8-16-25 | RALLS, TEXAS AUGUST 15 & 16, 2025 Added Money: $2,700.00 Ralls Lions Club Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $85 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestlilng @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Bulls @ $500 / Ranch Bronc $200 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling, Barres, Team Roping @ $200 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more wil be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / KPRA / NMRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, August 6 @ 9am and close Sunday, August 10 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, August 6 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, August 7 from 9am to 4pm Friday, August 8 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, August 11 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, August 12 |
Madill, Ok 8-23-25 | MADILL, OKLAHOMA AUGUST 22 & 23, 2025 Added Money: $6,500.00 Madill Roundup Club Pro Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barres, Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestlling @ $105 / Team Roping $250 team Added Money: Bareback, Saddlle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls @ $1,000 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Barrels, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping @ $500 Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Slack: Friday after performance Slack Order; GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CRRA / ACRA S/C: Flying C Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, August 13 @ 9am and close Sunday, August 17 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, August 13 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, August 14 from 9am to 4pm Friday, August 15 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Available Nextgen App, Monday, August 18 @ 9am till 12noon, Tuesday, August 19 |
Cleveland,Tx 8-30-25 | CLEVELAND, TEXAS AUGUST 29 & 30, 2025 Added Money: 6,000.00 Cleveland Labor Day Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA NO Team Roping Performances: 7:30pm Perfs Max - 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill before slack will be offered Slack: Friday, August 29 after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA @ $125/ SW,GB @ $105 Added Money: BB,SB,BR @ 1,000 / TD,BA,SW,GB @ $750 S/C: Saguaro Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, August 26-9am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, August 27-9am to 4p Late Entries as needed: Wed, August 28-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: Info: Covered Arena |
Mt Vernon,Tx 8-31-25 | MT VERNON, TEXAS AUGUST 29, 30, 31, 2025 Added Money: $20,000.00 Franklin County Sheriff's Posse Rodeo Performances: 8:00pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $155 / Team Roping $610 team (TR is a 2 head) Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $1,858 / Barrels $2,000 / Team Roping $5,000 Team Roping - 2 Head (All Team Roping in slack Sunday @ 9am (both go's) Slack: Sunday, August 31 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a UPRA membership **NO COMPANION PASSES*** Sanction: UPRA / CPRA / LRCA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, August 20 @ 9am and close Sunday, August 24 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, August 20 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, August 21 from 9am to 4pm Friday, August 22 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availablle Nextgen App, Monday, August 25 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, August 26 |
Elgin,TX 9-6-25 | ELGIN, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 5 & 6, 2025 Added Money: $10,000.00 Elgin Pro Rodeo Day Money offered see home pg for info Sanctioned: CPRA / UPRA Performances: 8:00pm Perfs Max; 8 / 10 GB Performances must fill befoe slack will be offered Slack: Saturday September 6 @ 9am Slack Order: GB,SW,TD,BA,TR Non-member welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Fees (Cash Only): RB $65 / BB,SB,BR @ $85 / TD,BA,SW $125 / GB $105 / TR $310 team Added Money: RB $550 / BB,SB,BR,TD,BA,SW, GB @ $1,050 / TR $2,100 S/C: Daimond Cross Rodeo Co Entries perfs: Monday, Sept 2-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tues, Sept 3-9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wed, Sept 4-9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries: |
Henrietta,Tx 9-20-25 | HENRIETTA, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 18,19,20, 2025 Added Money: $14,000.00 Clay County Pioneer Reunion Pro Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Only): Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Ranch Bronc, Bulls, Ladies Barrels @ $105 / Tie Down, Ladies Breakaway, Steer Wrestling @ $155 / Team Roping $310 team Perfs: Min 7 / Max 10 Added Money: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls @ $1,700 / Ranch Bronc $500 / Tie Down, Breakaway, Steer Wrestlling, Barrels, Team Roping @ $1,500 Bonus: Bareback, Saddle Bronc, Bulls $100 each performance to High Score of that performance Slack: Thursday & Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members welcome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more willl be required to purchase a UPRA membership Sanction: UPRA / CPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co ENTRIES OPEN Nextgen Rodeo App Wednesday, September 10 @ 9am and close Sunday, September 14 @ 5pm CALL IN ENTRIES Wednesday, September 10 from 9am to 4pm Thursday, September 11 from 9am to 4pm Friday, September 12 from 9am to 12noon ENTRY #: 903-287-7852 TRADES Availablle Nextgen App Monday, September 15 @ 9am till 12noon Tuesday, September 16 |
Cold Springs,Tx 9-27 | COLD SPRINGS, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 25,26,27, 2025 Added Money: $4,000.00 77th Annual San Jacinto County Fair Rodeo Performances: 7:30pm Fees (Cash Ony): BB,$70 / SB $80 / BR $70/ TD $125 / BA $85 / SW $105 / GB $105 /TR $310 NO Ranch Bronc Added Money: BB,SB,TD,BA,SW,GB @ $440 / Bulls $480 / TR $880 Slack: Thursday & Friday after performance Slack Order: GB,SW,BA,TD,TR Performances must fill before slack will be offered Non-members wecome w/$10 permit Non-members that win $500 or more will be required to purchase a CPRA membership Sanction: CPRA / UPRA S/C: Champion Rodeo Co Call in perfs only: Monday, September 22-10am to 5pm Perfs & Slack: Tuesday, September 23 - 9am to 4pm Late entries as needed: Wednesday, September 24 9am to 2pm Entry #: 337-427-6336 Online entries @ |